Don't see things cause you're forced to. See, look, observe cause only when time plays its part, you'll understand that there's so much thats hidden and it aint that simple to read or understand. Life's similarly the same. It never seems simple but if you think it through and stand strong, you'll know that nothing can bring you down. With heads high, you got look straight into the eyes of life and say, 'Bring it on, bitch!' Being optimistic isnt a crime. it doesnt mean you'd never fail but just dont let failures and mistakes seem like its the end of the world. Like if you light a fag and before you know it you're done smoking it and then you realise its your last, dont worry, dont sulk, get your ass up get find more. No point sitting and regretting the fact that the fag's gone right? So quit sulking over whats gone and start living :)