Thursday, July 16, 2009

I've not gone anywhere

I guess things have changed and in no time the 5th month is going to pass. I still feel same. Same tears and feelings. I guess some things are meant to change but some are just meant to stay the same. I am clueless at times but I feel a sense of change in me. Maybe its just this mixture of emotions stirring in me. But I am living my life. Can't wait to be free. I'm just enjoying every moment alone. The moments where I can only hear my voice and nothing else comes in my way. Just me and only me. I don't regret what I've done and said. I got 1 life and no other and I'm not going to waste it. You want me, come get me. I'm not going to be waiting here forever so make your move. They are those moments which I still hate but things seem brighter. I'm getting older and I am changing not for anyone but me. My life has now evolved around myself and I'm happy it has. I'm still missing you like crazy and no one is ever going to replace you and no one has. You filled those empty holes. Now you make me wonder, who is going to help me fill those holes? I wonder. But on the bright side I will always have me and me. I will always have you in my thoughts, forever.

You decide the rest and I'm not making any moves ok?

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